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Late Enrollees


Welcome New GACA Families!

PLEASE NOTE: Spring Enrollees will not need to complete Getting Started.  Students will automatically be placed into their scheduled classes. 

We are excited that you have chosen Georgia Connections Academy as your school of choice. 


If you do not have your student’s username, please use the link below.




Zoom must be authenticated for students to attend LiveLesson Sessions.







As you are getting accustomed to Georgia Connections Academy (GACA) and Pearson Online Classroom (POC), here are some resources to get you started. These are not a requirement to view, rather, resources to reference throughout the semester as-needed.










Need Help? 


If you have any questions as you are getting started at GACA, please reach out to your homeroom teacher, counselor, or meet with a member of the Compliance Department during Office Hours.



Additional Resources for New GACA Families

Upcoming Pearson Events:


Additional GACA Support:

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