Georgia Connections Academy
Compliance Department
Withdrawal Information
Caretaker Initiated Withdrawal
When a student withdraws from GACA, the parent/legal guardian/caretaker must complete the “Initiate Student Withdrawal” data view and will be required to list the new school in which the student will be enrolling.
The new school must provide verification of enrollment.
If verification is not provided, and the student fails to attend GACA for 45 days, GACA is required by law to refer the matter to the Division of Family and Children Services.
Please reach out to the school for additional information.
If you need assistance with completing the withdrawal please reach out to your homeroom teacher.
Truancy and Withdrawal
Regular attendance in school for all students, including those students with reduced course load, individualized education plan or 504 plans, is the joint responsibility of the student and Caretaker. Attendance is defined as being actively engaged in courses.
Actively engaged in a course indicates that the student has completed the following:
1. District and course assigned assessments (if applicable)
2. Critical course due/date deadline assigned tasks (if applicable)
3. Submitted Pearson Online Classroom assigned lessons daily Successful completion of these tasks indicates that a student was present for the week.
Truancy is defined as any child who during the school year has more than five (5) days of unexcused absences and/or twenty-five (25) or more overdue lessons. Truancy is a serious offense that requires corrective action by the School and the Caretaker.
Any student who has reached truant status will be required to attend a compliance meeting with their Caretaker and will be issued a mandatory attendance and participation contract which must be followed to avoid withdrawal.
Failure to adhere to the mandatory Attendance Contract will result in withdrawal from GACA.
Students who have not completed a lesson within Pearson Online Classroom for ten (10) consecutive days will be automatically withdrawn from the School. It is the responsibility of the Learning Coach to 14 inform the Director of Compliance of circumstances that would contribute to this level of absence/noncompliance.
To avoid truancy, the Caretaker must ensure that the following activities are taking place:
» Learning Coach or Caretaker enters attendance hours each day of school.
» The student completes all assigned lessons and assessments.
» The student participates in educational activities for the required number of hours.
» The student is available for regularly scheduled telephone calls with teachers.
» The student attends all required LiveLesson® sessions.
» The student can demonstrate that they are doing their own schoolwork.
» The student attends mandatory state testing.
» The Learning Coach or Caretaker has communicated with the homeroom teacher in advance if he/ or she needs to deviate from the regular school calendar (for example, switching a vacation and school day).
Next Steps After Withdrawal is Completed
After the withdrawal has been completed, caretakers will receive a withdrawal packet by mail from the registrar's office. You should receive this packet within 3-5 days of the withdrawal being processed.